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Bidirectional Transformation for Relational View Update Datalog-based Strategies

The Datalog core Syntax

In the Datalog program supported by BIRDS, a predicate R preceded by a symbol +/- (called a delta predicate) corresponds to the set of tuples that need to be inserted/deleted into/from table R. The core syntax for Datalog supported by BIRDS is the following:

<program> ::= {<statement>} <statement>
<statement> ::= <schema> | <constraint> | <rule>
<schema> ::= "source:" <relname> "(" <attribute>:<type> {"," <attribute>:<type>} ")" "." 
 | "view:" <relname> "(" <attribute>:<type> {"," <attribute>:<type>} ")" "."
<rule> ::= <predicate> ":-" <literal> { ("and"| ",") <literal> } "."
<constraint>::= ("⊥" | "_|_") ":-" <literal> { ("and"| ",") <literal> } "."
<literal> ::= <predicate> | ("not" | "¬") <predicate> | <builtin> | "not" <builtin>
<predicate> ::= [ ("+" | "-") ] <relname> "(" <term> {"," <term>} ")"
<builtin> ::= <varname> ("=" | "<>" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") <const>
<term> ::= <varname> | <anonvar> | <const>
<varname> ::= 'A'|..|'Z' { ('A'|..|'Z'| '0'|..|'9'|'_') }
<relname> ::= 'a'|..|'z'|'_' { ('a'|..|'z'| '0'|..|'9'|'_') }
<attribute> ::= 'a'|..|'z'|'_' { ('a'|..|'z'| '0'|..|'9'|'_') }
<type> ::= int | float | string
<anonvar> ::= '_'
<const> ::= <integer> | <float> | <string>

In general, the verification in BIRDS is sound. BIRDS guarantees the completeness of the verification if all Datalog rules are negation guarded.

Abbreviated syntax

Primary key

BIRDS provides a shorthand syntax to declare primary keys on relations. Given a relation t(A, B, C), we can declare A as a primary key of t by:


That is an abbreviation for the following rules:

% for the functional dependency A -> B:
_|_ :- t(A,B1,_), t(A,B2,_), not B1 = B2.
% for the functional dependency A -> C:
_|_ :- t(A,_,C1), t(A,_,C2), not C1 = C2.

Consider a relation s(A, B, C, D), where two columns A and B form the primary key of s(A, B, C, D). We declare this constraint by:


That is an abbreviation for the following rules:

% for the functional dependency (A,B) -> C:
_|_ :- s(A,B,C1,_), s(A,B,C2,_), not C1 = C2.
% for the functional dependency (A,B) -> D:
_|_ :- s(A,B,_,D1), s(A,B,_,D2), not D1 = D2.