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Bidirectional Transformation for Relational View Update Datalog-based Strategies

Example: customers database schema


The customers database (customer.sql) contain two base tables nation(key, name, description) and customer(key, name, address, phone, nationkey) and a view jcustomer(key, name, address)


key name description
1 Japan none
2 China none
3 Vietnam none


key name address phone nationkey
1 A Tokyo 2432 1
2 B Hanoi 5435 3
3 C Beijing 6524 2


key name address
1 A Tokyo

Update strategy for jcustomer

If thinking forwardly, the view jcustomer, which contains all customers having Japanese citizenship, can be defined by a query over the two base tables as the following in Datalog:

jcustomer(K, N, A) :- customer(K, N, A, P, NK), nation(NK, NATION, D),

Which is a join of tables customer and nation on the attribute NATIONKEY with a condition that the nationality is Japan. We keep only three attributes KEY, NAME and ADDRESS from the table customer in the view.

To illustrate the ambiguity of propagating updates on the view jcustomer, let’s consider a simple request to delete tuple ⟨1, A, Tokyo⟩ from the view jcustomer. Obviously, there are three options for propagating this deletion to the source database. The first option is to delete from the table customer the tuple ⟨1, A, Tokyo, 1234, 1⟩. The second is to delete from the table nation the tuple ⟨1, Japan, none⟩. The third is to perform both deletions in the first and the second options.

Backwardly, we can explicitly specify an update strategy on the view jcustomer as the following (jcustomer.dl):

source nation('KEY':int,'NAME':string,'DESCRIPTION':string).
source customer('KEY':int,'NAME':string,'ADDRESS':string,'PHONE':string,'NATIONKEY':int).
view jcustomer('KEY':int,'NAME':string,'ADDRESS':string).

% constraint:
 :- not nation(_, 'Japan', _).

-customer(K, N, A, P, NK) :- customer(K, N, A, P, NK), nation(NK, NATION, _), NATION ='Japan', not jcustomer(K, N, A).

tmp(K, N, A) :- customer(K, N, A, _, NK), nation(NK, 'Japan', _).
+customer(K, N, A, P, NK) :- jcustomer(K, N, A), not tmp(K, N, A), nation(NK, 'Japan', _), customer(K, _, _, P, _).
+customer(K, N, A, P, NK) :- jcustomer(K, N, A), not tmp(K, N, A), nation(NK, 'Japan', _), not customer(K, _, _, _, _), P = 'unknown'.

We assume that in the source table nation there exists a tuple having the attribute NATION equal to ‘Japan’: ∃x, y, nation(x, 'Japan', y). We express this constraint by a special Datalog rule with a truth constant ⊥ in the head ⊥ :- not nation(_, 'Japan', _). The meaning of this rule is a first-order logic sentence (¬∃x, y, nation(x, ‘Japan′, y)) → ⊥, which is equivalent to ∃x, y, nation(x, ‘Japan′, y). Given an updated view jcustomer, our update strategy is to keep the table nation unchanged, and update the table customer to reflect the view updates. First, if there is a Japanese customer, who does not appear in the view, we choose the option of deleting this customer from the source table customer that is more reasonable than deleting the tuple ⟨1, ‘Japan′⟩ from the table nation. Second, if there is a customer in the view jcustomer but there is no Japanese customer in the source tables having the same values for KEY, NAME, ADDRESS, then we insert a new customer to the table customer (lines 7, 8 and 9). More concretely, to fill the attribute NATIONKEY, we find a key from the table nation where the nationality is ‘Japan’. Due to the constraint on nation presented before, we can always find such a key. To fill in the attribute PHONE, we search for the existing one in the old table customer. If it is not found, we fill in the attribute PHONE a default string ‘unknown’.

Verifying and compiling the update strategy to SQL:

birds -v -f jcustomer.dl -o jcustomer.sql


The defining query of the view is also automatically derived by the above command.

Running in PostgreSQL

Let’s go to the PostgreSQL database using psql -U postgres and try an INSERT statement on the view jcustomer:

insert into jcustomer values (4,'D','Kyoto');


And check the base table customer after the update:


A new tuple ⟨4, D, Kyoto, unknown, 1⟩ was inserted into customer.

Let’s delete one tuple from jcustomer:

delete from jcustomer where key=1;

And the result:


If we insert into jcustomer a new tuple having the same key 4, then there is a key conflict, the insertion will be rejected:


Obviously, the strategy is based on the constraint that there exists a tuple (_, 'Japan', _) in the table nation. The generated SQL code also checks the existence of such a tuple before doing any view update. Thereby, if we delete the tuple (1,'Japan','none') from nation:

delete from nation where name='Japan';

That the new table nation does not have the nation Japan anymore,


Updates to the view jcustomer will be rejected with the error message ‘Invalid view update: constraints on the source relations are violated’:
