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Bidirectional Transformation for Relational View Update Datalog-based Strategies

The basics

The basic syntax

Source and view schemas

Example: Consider two base tables s1(X,Y) and s2(X,Y) and a view v(X,Y):


1 2


2 3


1 2
2 3

The source schema and the view schema are defined as follows:

source s1('X':int, 'Y':int).
source s2('X':int, 'Y':int).
view v('X':int, 'Y':int).
  • Using the keywords source and view to distinguish the source tables and the view.
  • Each column is assigned a data type.
  • Supported data types are: integer, real and string.

View definition

v can be defined over s1 and s2 as follows:

v(X,Y) :- s1(X,Y).
v(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).

Rules for update strategy:

  • Delta predicate: a delta predicate is a normal predicate following a symbol + or -
    • The predicate +R corresponds to the delta relation of tuples being inserted into source relation R
    • The predicate −R corresponds to the delta relation of tuples being deleted from R
  • Delta rule: a delta rule is a rule whose head is a delta predicate of a base table. For example, the following rule means any tuple (X,Y), which is in s1 but not in v, will be deleted from s1:

      -s1(X,Y) :- s1(X,Y), not v(X,Y).

An update strategy

The following is a full Datalog program for an update strategy on the view v(X,Y) (basic_sample.dl):

% schema:
source s1('X':int,'Y':int).
source s2('X':int,'Y':int).
view v('X':int,'Y':int).

% rules for update strategy:
-s1(X,Y) :- s1(X,Y), not v(X,Y).
-s2(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y), not v(X,Y).
+s1(X,Y) :- v(X,Y), not s1(X,Y), not s2(X,Y).

The first two rules say that if a tuple (X,Y) is in s1 or s2 but not in v, it will be deleted from s1 or s2, respectively. The last rule says that if a tuple (X,Y) is in v but in neither s1 nor s2, it will be inserted to s1.

Verifying and Compiling into SQL

We verify the correctness of the Datalog program and compile it into SQL by using command line birds:

birds -v -f basic_sample.dl -o basic_sample.sql

Where the option -v enables verification process, -f is for the input Datalog program and -o is for the output SQL file.


The generated SQL file can run directly in a PostgreSQL database to create the corresponding updatable view v in the database.

Running in PostgreSQL

  1. Load and run the generated SQL file in PostgreSQL:
     psql -U <db_user_name> -d <db_name> -f <path_to_sql_file>

    For example:

     psql -U postgres -d sample_db -f examples/basic_sample.sql
  2. Run an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statement to modify data on view, for example:
     INSERT INTO v VALUES (6,7);
  3. Request a bigger modification on view by combining multiple UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements in one transaction:
         INSERT INTO v VALUES (6,7);
         DELETE FROM v where x = 5;
         UPDATE v SET x = 10 where x = 4;